Saturday, October 29, 2011


So sorry for the bad quality and the small quantity of photos from my two day trip in S.F.  I haven't posted in a couple of days because I just got back home to San Jose :) I'm literally running on a couple hours of sleep due to partying with my besties (which is rare) in Union City last night! SO MUCH FUN! I literally have theeee best friends ever fyi! I'll be posting up the video that we did very soon as soon as my friend gives it to meeee! So a kick back night :) I get to do some recording, some pumpkin carving and some family timeeeee since my friend, who I shall not mention :P decided to go to S.F. without me even though I'm not 21 (just one more month!) But yep yep yep....I left my film camera at school....BOO!!!! BUT I'll take a ton of pictures of the rest of my weekend which is going to be filled with a lot of halloweenie stuff and post them up for Sunday night or Monday afternoon! Well ta ta my loves it's cookie time nom nom nom !
