Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Happy Camper

So even though today, I really thought I lost my mind....I was a little happy camper from 12-2pm.  My Smoo took me out to lunch and I ordered this incredible mushroom panini and this wonderful, scrumptious strawberry cheesecake nom nom nom! And FYI...I destroyed it hehehe :D After I went to the camera store to buy more film and paper for my camera and encountered the cutest little man ever!!! HAHA I don't even want to get into that because I'll start to mimic him on here. Anywayssss one more midterm to go WHOOT WHOOT I can do this!!!! Oh alsoooo....hope you like my two photos in the first photo above. It was my first time ever working with a film camera and developing my own pictures :) Well gotsta go, this was a quick little post!!!
Gotta study my buddies!!!
