Normally I am never excited for a Monday. But this past Monday, I was clicking my heels together in the air because I knew once I got off work, I would enjoy a vegan meal with a glass of wine while playing catch up with Kate!
We met up at Veggie Grill in Santana Row (first time) and then headed over to Vintage Wine Merchants (also my first time).
I could write a novel on what we discussed about, but. The one thing that resinated from our conversation is pursuing something you love and giving it all you got even if it means taking a crazy risk.
Back tracking a bit.
Now that I am putting my single shoes back on, the frightening question keeps lingering in my head, what's next. Aside from relationships, I am almost done with my Master's degree (3 more classes) and again, that same scary line, what's next does not want to go away. My business is ready to launch but I continue to delay in launching it because of.....what's next.
What's next....I don't know, but I do know that I am done living in fear of not knowing what's ahead of me. As you can see, I am a planner. It has its pros and cons, but I like having a schedule and sticking to that timeline. I recently had an unfortunate experience that opened my eyes and showed that I was not in control, God is.
So what does this have to do with pursing something you love? I love this blog and I don't know what's next to come (I kind of do, but I don't know the outcome). I am going to take a dive into something that I have always wanted to do and I can't wait for you all to not only see what I have in up my sleeve, but to experience and see the progress of this new amazing journey that I am about to get myself into.
Oh, and I promise I am going to start posting consistently again, this MBA capstone is kicking my butt!
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