Wednesday, October 28, 2015

How to Get Rid of Dark Circles

Is it me, or am I the only one that feels that 24 hours is just not enough time in the day. Whether you are a student up late (studying I hope), a young professional working crazy hours to break into an industry or a mother juggling a hectic schedule...sleep becomes a short experience within that 1440 minutes time frame.
Unfortunately, when one is sleep deprived, you can easily tell by one of the most beautiful features on anyone's face, YOUR EYES! Speaking from experience, dealing with insomnia, I felt like I had permanent black eye shadow under my eyes...not fun.  No matter how much concealer I caked on, or brightened up my eyes with eyeliner and eyeshadow, I still looked exhausted.   Luckily, I was given a bottle of Matrix 6 Mega Bright Eye Gel by Oz Naturals which made a huge difference in my skin.  I love that the product is 84.2% natural, made in the USA and brighten my eyes without having to do anything crazy or uncomfortable applications.

Since the holidays are right around the corner, this product is a perfect stocking stuffer for your lady friends, family members or yourself!  You can purchase this little bottle of heaven HERE and please let me know what you think of it!

Olivia Irene
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