Monday, June 18, 2012

Ovation Cell Therapy Does It Really Work? Video Review


  1. Thanks Olivia! That's great feedback!

  2. great shoes and I love the necklace form the last picture!
    xx Kate

  3. Thank you so much for the info. My dad passed away 1 1/2 years ago and during that time my mom and I lost an incredible amount of hair. We have the same hairdresser who told us it appeared to be about 20-30% hairloss for both of us and that it was most likely stress related. We just got our Ovation products today, so I am checking out other people's experiences with it. I was hoping you might answer a few questions:
    1. How much product do you use on your hair? Size of a dime?
    2. Do we rinse off each product in-between application of the next one?
    3. How long should should we let the Cell Therapy absorb into the scalp before rinsing? (some people blogged 3-5 min. and others 2 hours)
    Thanks girl! Karen

    1. Hi Karen!

      I'm sorry about your loss :( But to answer your question

      1. I use about a quarter for all three products, sometimes I put a little extra cell therapy on

      2. The order I use the product is the shampoo (rinse) cell therapy (leave over night then rinse) the the creme (5 min then rinse)

      3. For the cell therapy it said during the three month process use it as a leave in treatment overnight. After that three month you can leave it on for 3-5 min.

      Hope that helps :)

  4. I use @NutressHair products and they are a much more affordable replacement for the same effects as ovation therapy. The Nutress protein pack and stop break products has made my hair so strong and healthy, without the risk and cost of ovation cell therapy. Check them out!

    1. Thank you for letting me know :) I might have to test it out!

  5. I am having chemo soon and will loose all my hair.all 28 inches of it.. does this ovation work? will it help in the regrowth of my hair? or will i be waisting my money?

    1. I would talk to your dr. about that. I have been loosing my hair due to a lack of hormones (estrogen) and the product helped definitely improved my curly hair texture and shine. Overall I didn't see a fast hair growth or thickness, but I would still recommend it.

  6. So this product does not make your hair thicker?

    1. I honestly didn't see a difference in thickness. Maybe it's because I have a lot of curly hair and it's hard to eyeball it depending if my hair wants to be frizzy or not. But overall it is a good product and it helps maintain your hair and shedding.

  7. Hi,I'm a black girl lol but my hair is really short. I was just wondering will Ovation Cell Therapy will grow my hair out.

    1. I honestly did not see major hair growth, however I saw that my hair was stronger and the texture had more definition. Hair growth I believe is based on a healthy diet, lots of water and exercise.
