Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Oh My Gosh...

The title truly speaks for itself when it comes to reflecting on how we (well I) can change within 365 days.  I got a good laugh reviewing my blog archive and thinking man, what the hell was I thinking, some of my posts are pitiful! But you have to start somewhere right?

Instead of deleting all of the old blog posts that are paired with low quality photos improvised with an iPhone (yes, an iPhone 4 to be exact), I decided to leave them up.  It's actually encouraging to see how much has changed in this little thing that I have created in 2011 for my own creative outlet.  When I first signed up for my blogger, I had it for a while and was clueless on what the hell I wanted to do with it. I accidentally came across the inspiring blog The Sartorialist which led me to dig up more amazing blogs like my all time favorite, Man Repeller and Where Did U Get That.  Reading these witty writers and viewing their perfectly captured moments of their style (which could have been in magazines) made me say..."I like this, I want to try this out."

Well, the first attempt was one big flop.  As you can see in the beginning of my posts, everything was scattered all over the place with shitty photos of myself in my little and horribly lit dorm room.  It wasn't until 2012 where I had a better idea on what I wanted to share with the world...little did I know the world really had access to my secret blog.  My friends and family somehow stumbled upon my page and encouraged me to keep moving forward with it.

So I decided to take what I had and run with it.  I converted my blog from a fun hobby into a school project for my junior year in college, again, I was inconsistent with posting, but the class helped me pinpoint what exactly I wanted to focus on...which was fashion, but focusing more on my personal style.

I would say 2012 was a year where I had my training wheels on. 2013 I had a clear cut understanding of how to get my fashion focus across to my readers and still find my voice.  In April I had met up with other fashion bloggers in the South Bay and connected with my now good friend Kate from Clear the Way. She helped me take my blog to a new level with photos and organizing my posts...fyi, being a blogger can be HARD and A LOT of work, I was not expecting that at all.

Towards the end of 2013 I know there were multiple times where my blogging was inconsistent due to work, traveling and taking up different life challenges.  I dabbled in some things and will continue to do so but talking about right now, the present, I can say I have my specific goal in mind that won't change.  Inspire others.

I love to write and I know I have cheated my way out of putting up more text versus photos in a post because I was "busy" and left no substance with my readers which I apologize.  But for 2014, my goal is to inspire, to write more, to give quality posts versus quantity and challenge myself which is going to (GASP) make me open up a little bit more, so yes, I am going to show my everyday life and not this unrealistic lifestyle....and I am okay with that, life ISN'T perfect and grand all the time.  But what is perfect is if I can inspire one person, it'll be worth stepping out of my comfort zone.

I wish you all a beautiful and safe New Year, let's INSPIRE!


1 comment:

  1. I love this! You're so great. I'm glad we met and I'm so glad we have blogging in common! I can't wait to see all the goodness you will get out of work, life, and your blog in 2014!
